MEL Unina course

Corso MEL unina

The MEL unina course is offered annually to 1st and 2nd year students enrolled in the Engineering Management Bachelor Course of the School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences (SPBS) at the University of Naples Federico II. The  MEL Unina Course is a 10-week training course implemented during the second academic semester. 

What they say about the course


” … I discovered meditation, I understood how to better organize my study sessions …”


"... a course you will never see on your academic curricula ..."


"... I was shown a world of sharing and exchanging ideas that I never expected..."


"... the other guys 'trained me' to smile, to make me feel accepted for what I am ...”


"... I felt like a different person, with a broaden cultural background…”


"... I learned to plan, to alternate my studying methods, to know my potential ..."


"... I had results in terms of academic performance ..."


"... you too could meet wonderful people like me ..."


"... I believe that Mel is so amazing and alternative that everyone should try ..."


"... so many answers were given that were accompanied by so many new questions ..."


"... I immediately felt a growing sense of wonder and curiosity towards a completely new world ..."

Assessement of the MEL course

The second edition, which took place in the spring of 2017, has been assessed with a self-report survey. Results have showed high effectiveness of the MEL course in regards to learning abilities and academic results.

Results are shown below.


Results obtained with MEL unina

% of taken exams compared to what is required by the curriculum before and after MEL unina



Average grade achieved before and after the MEL unina course

Evaluation of some dimensions necessary for MEL learning


See the reference: Corti, L.; Gelati, C. Mindfulness and Coaching to Improve Learning Abilities in University Students: A Pilot Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202017, 1935.