Because MEL and MET are interdependent
ME learning is facilitated by ME teaching
This facilitation consists of tuning: the ME teacher gets in tune with the ME learner thanks to common characteristics such as awareness of the present moment, self-regulation and the management of emotions and thanks to the coherence between the learner’s learning strategies and the teacher’s teaching techniques. The ME teacher is a facilitator and a coach of learning rather than ‘the one who knows’: a teacher assists and supports the project of the learning pathway and accompanies and favors its realization by the ME learners.
The student-teacher relationship is a one to one
Learning does not take place through the transmission of knowledge from those who teach (who knows) to those who learn (who does not know), but rather by developing the interaction between the two subjects and in their interaction with the environment. Thanks to the internet, in fact, today more than ever, the dyad learner-teacher is inserted in a cultural and social context in which knowledge is widespread and shared. The ME teacher will use feedback from the environment mediated by the ME learner to optimize and improve his/her knowledge and to be able to transmit it more effectively.
Learners are responsible for their own training process
They determine the training modalities, contents and objectives through self-regulation and self-directionality skills. The training process is self-personalized, taking into account the style of learning, vocation, goals, personality and emotions of each individual. The ME teacher accompanies and supports this process of individuation without constituting an obstacle to its full realization.
The MEL and MET trees